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Michele Damasceno, Divina Liturgia, Θεία Λειτουργία, XVI sec., Museo delle Icone e delle Sacre Reliquie dell'Arcidiocesi di Creta, Candia |
quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2014
MARY: God has placed all the gifts of the kingdom of heaven, all the gifts that Jesus brought to this earth, in my Immaculate Heart. These gifts will do everything. They will protect, guide, purge sin, and lift to greatness. All of God’s treasures are present in the kingdom proclaimed by Jesus and all of these treasures are in my heart, waiting to be given away.
12. Being Set Aside By the Church
Aug 5th, 2014
Who can know the sorrows of my heart unless I speak openly and reveal what is hidden? I see the many difficulties of the Church. A Church that was strong and flourishing has now been set aside, and often is the object of ridicule. The young are no longer formed by its teachings and many of the older generation have abandoned its truths. The Church cries out in the marketplace but its voice is not heard. Its teachings have no impact upon the modern mind. How has all of this happened?
I must speak honestly. I have been set aside. The Church flourished when I was exalted. Many gave themselves to the priesthood and religious life when the Church rejoiced to be my child. Then, new waves of thought washed upon the shore. The new agenda erased the deeply ingrained devotions. My appearances, my visitations and my words no longer occupied the Catholic mind. How different would these decades have been if I had not been moved to the sidelines!
I must speak honestly. It is late. The weapons of war explode. Some roads of peace narrow and even end. The world’s resources turn to destruction not to life. At this point, no one can perceive the power of the coming darkness, nor how close it is at hand.
I will try again. I will send out greater invitations. I will use more messengers, in even higher places. They must be faithful to the message, “There is only one path to peace, the road that leads into the center of my Immaculate Heart”. There will be new movements, new beginnings, new fires. I have not abandoned my Church and I refuse to sit on the sidelines while Satan claims his victories.
Those who heed me, I will use. Those who believe they have a better plan will waste their time.
Comment: This is a very strong locution that sums up Our Lady’s feelings.
11. Special Surprising Lights
Aug 4th, 2014
Usually, I pour out my gifts in great order, the small ones first and later the greater ones. Now, however, a greater need exists to which I must respond. I must take people who are not fully prepared and give them gifts far greater than usual. Like children in an emergency, who are pressed into action and asked to do works usually reserved to adults.
What a special time this will be! Many will wonder. People of good will who have just begun to live devoutly will be given great powers, usually reserved for the perfect. Those who are spiritual children will lead many to great faith. Others, who have just begun themselves to love my Immaculate Heart, will be foundation stones of strong communities.
New movements, filled with the greatest lights will arise. Fresh spiritual leadership will emerge. These are the fruits of the new lights that will suddenly begin to push back the world’s darkness. As always, these secrets lie in my Immaculate Heart.
Comment: In these days of extraordinary darkness, Our Lady must take surprising actions.
10. Rain Clouds of Hope
I see the world in such anguish. Never before have I so desired to pour out my gifts. I must always repeat the message. The heavenly Father has placed all of his treasures for the world in my Immaculate Heart because he foresaw this moment in human history when the fires of hell would break forth from beneath the earth.
He placed them there because my heart is so easily broken open and his gifts can fall like raindrops upon the fires. When fires are burning out of control, are not rainclouds a joyous sight? Do they not hold out hope that soon the fires will be overcome?
The Church must see my heart in this way, filled with heavenly rain, waiting to quench these demonic forces that are evident everywhere and to everyone. Is there not a demonic source to all the wars, to all the diseases, to all the acts of terrorism, to all the hopelessness?
The Holy Father must consecrate Russia. The rain will fall there first. From Russia, peace will go out to the whole world.
Comment: For almost 100 years, Our Lady has said that for world peace Russia must be consecrated. Events are showing that Mary was right all along.
I will speak from my heart, bringing forth the deepest feelings. I weep abundantly. I see my children walk away from all that Jesus taught. I see them cast aside their baptismal gift and to think nothing of their loss of faith. I see them enter deeply into the immoral ways of modern culture and be swept up in its mighty current.
Those who have been called to a deep Catholic faith and to the highest of Catholic values are never even taught the basic truths. Their rich heritage has been stole from them. They were never shown the path to goodness. The darkness of the culture has obscured everything.
I must provide another light because the lights of the powerful Catholic culture have become too weak to light the way, and the road has become far too dark.
This is my message. I will provide extra lights which you must freely choose. Seek these lights. Look for my new lights. Do not be content with your current light. Seek for yourselves and your children. Write this on your heart, “Mary has told me that I need more light. She has promised to provide this light. I must search for this new light, like the Wise Men searched for Jesus, the light of the world”.
You will find. I promise that you will find the new light I have prepared for you.
Comment: Our Lady sorrows over the great darkness but promises to provide. We must search.
Let us stop for a moment and remember that getting to heaven is the purpose of earth. At the moment of death, the human person leaves this temporary human existence and enters into an eternal state. Jesus never exalted earth or human life but constantly reminded all that earthly life ends. “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” “If anyone should save his life in this world, he will lose it in the next”. “Thou, fool, what good is it to have stored up all these treasures, when tonight you will die?”
Yet, Jesus was sensitive to earthly needs. He fed the hungry and healed the sick. He promised that if a person seeks first the kingdom of God, the heavenly Father would care for the necessities.
Do you not see Satan’s plan? He wants only sufferings so that people cannot find their way to heaven. Taken up in the trials of earth they lose faith in their heavenly home. So, I speak to every Catholic, to every believer, to every person of good will. You all have a Lazarus, a beggar, at your door, a needy person. Care for them and you will both arrive safely in heaven.
To the rich and the powerful, to those who control great amounts of earthly resources, I have placed all these in your hands so you can help many on their road to heaven.
Many voices of the poor cry out to me and I search for those who can answer their needs. I will come soon and ask for your help. Blessed are you if you hear my voice, open your heart, change your ways and give of yourself by helping the needy.
Comment: Man is made for heaven but his search takes place amid earthly needs. Helping others is the surest road to eternal life.
To lead the world is a matter of the heart and you leaders of the world have hearts that are too small. So, I offer you the gift of my heart. I have a plan for every person. I know what they need so their life can fulfill all that God intends.
I dream of a new world order, where weapons are put aside, and where nations cooperate. I dream of a new economic system where all share in the goods of society.
I must raise up new world leaders whose hearts are quite different, leaders who dream of blessing others. I need a veritable army, fashioned in a different mold, claiming a different vision, and refusing to set aside their firm beliefs that every person in the world must have the necessities of life.
Where are these people? I will go and look for them. When I find those who are committed to my dream, I will open doors for them. They shall rise quickly in every field of human endeavor. Only those formed in my heart can truly bring about a new world order.
Comment: Changing the world results only from leaders whose hearts are attuned to the heavenly Father.
I will speak gently to world leaders, because if I fully exposed all of your sins, you would cover your ears and shut your eyes. Instead, I will speak about what you are able to do. All I ask is good will.
First, look at your heart. Why have you sought this high position? What led you to public office? Only you can examine your own heart and be honest. Expose your own selfishness, your own pride and ego. I am not asking you to step down. I am only asking you to change.
You have made many decisions in darkness which you would never want to come to the light of publicity. You have two lives – your public life and your private life. One for the people to see and one which only you can see. Right now you are entangled. I do not say hopelessly entangled because I will help you.
I must ask you “Are you willing to walk a different path, one that is less-traveled?” If so, I will do two favors for you. I will free you from your entanglements and I will lift you up to a much higher position. If not, I can only leave you mired in your world that will inevitably destroy you. Such is the nature of worldly power.
Comment: Power corrupts unless God continually purifies the world leader.
I go now to the depth of my heart to find the most consoling words for my Church. Among your members, I find the little ones, those whose hearts are firmly set upon me. I find your missionaries who have left their native lands to preach the gospel in difficult circumstances. I find mothers and fathers who fulfill their sacred duties and I find ministers of the word who live out their commitment. At every level and in every situation I find these people of good will.
This is my promise. I am ready to take all of them into the most sacred fire that burns in my Immaculate Heart.They will be the first ones to whom I reveal the gift. I am not asking them to do more. I am asking them to receive more, to take this new flame into their hearts. I know their hearts and if they take the new flame it will burn brightly. That is why I invite them first.
However, they must accept the invitation or they will be left behind, not ready for the difficulties that lie ahead.
Comment: Whatever we have received from God, we must be open to greater gifts, this new flame on Mary’s heart.
Return to your first love. When you were a child and held no possessions, when you were small and had only your faith, when you were persecuted, and loved one another, I watched over you. I saw you spread to all the nations. I watched you cling to my Son and proclaim him even when this brought sufferings and death.
I saw your acts of charity. You were revered even among those who did not understand your beliefs. You were truly a light to the nations waiting to be put upon the lampstand.
Now, I have put you on that lampstand. You are known throughout the world, the largest of all the churches but your light has dimmed. It is now mixed with darkness. Many know you but they scorn you and reject you. Even your own sons and daughters, born into your bosom, walk away from you. You watch them leave with great sorrow. You are quite aware of your state. You know the reality, like a parent disappointed in the decisions of their children. I know your failures and how distraught you are.
I have a question for you. Are you ready? Are you willing to take my hand, to walk my road? Are you ready to trust your mother and to do what I tell you? Are you ready to inscribe me on your heart and to decide firmly, “I will walk the road of Mary?”I challenge you at this grave moment in human history, when the world will need the Church more than ever. Do you truly believe that this is the Age of Mary? If you do, I can make you the light of the nations. If not, your own resources will prove too little and too late.
Comment: The Age of Mary holds unbelievable gifts of the Father but the Church has never committed herself fully to that gift.
The Church must learn the wisdom of my heart. So often, the Church seeks wisdom from its learned men and women. It seeks wisdom from all the human sciences. It studies the wisdom that the world uses in its business enterprises. Why does the Church reject the wisdom of my heart? It chooses broken cisterns that cannot bring forth living water.
The Church has a great strength. It has openly proclaimed me as the Mother of the Church. Well, come back to your mother. The mother gathers the family and embraces all the children. The mother keeps the household together, always inviting her children to return.
Do not reject me. Do not set me aside. God’s plan began with me (I was with him in the beginning of his days) and God’s plan will end with me, the Woman Clothed With the Sun.
O Church, I will heal your divisions. I will bring back your children. I will purge you of your sins. I will make of you the new Jerusalem, the light on the mountain.
The heavenly Father has declared these times as the Age of Mary but you have not yet understood or even believed the words of your own prophets and saints.
Comment: The Church certainly needs help and Our Lady wants to be the Church’s mother.
2. A Place With Mary in the Desert
I speak first to my Church, born when the heart of Jesus was pierced by a sword and filled with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. I was there at your beginnings and I will be present at the grand culmination when the angels gather all the elect.
What a history you have had, filled with sinners and saints, moments of divine greatness and moments of the most shameful behavior. Yet, you are mine, the child of my womb and I will always clasp you to my breasts and give you life.
Now, I must speak my mind in words only a mother could say, “You must repent and turn back to reclaim your former glory, the glory of serving the world by being its light. Once you were small, persecuted, trodden under foot by the power of the world but I loved you for your fervor and your fidelity.
I say to you what Jesus said to the Church of Ephesus, ‘I hold this against you. You have lost the love that you had at first’” (Rev.2:4). That is where we must begin. Like Israel, I must lead you back into the desert where you can again recover your first love.
“What about my worldly power?” you ask. I say, “What good is your worldly power? Soon, you will see all the power of the world collapse. Will you be caught up in that destruction or will you have escaped with me into the desert of your first love?”
God prepared a place for me in the desert (Rev.12:6). That is where I will take you. Do not delay in the city where you think you are so needed. If you come into the desert with me, I will prepare you. In the moment of the world’s great darkness, you will be its light. This is my message of hope?
Comment: Where else could Our Lady begin? She calls us back to our first fervor.
Many who read these locutions are surprised that I would think about and express my thoughts on so many issues. Am I just a heavenly figure? Did I not live on earth? Did I not conceive and give birth? Did I not share in all the sufferings? I am a mother, who takes everything into her heart and brings forth a wisdom. That is what I am doing and people should not be surprised.
I know that so many delight in my words and anxiously await the daily locution. Those who read them all are formed by my thinking and I bless them.
Now, I will embark on an even clearer road. Up to now, I have revealed my heart. Now, I will speak my mind. No one will have to read between the lines or conjecture what I mean. The words will be both pointed and true. They will cut through the darkness and give light. They will chastise but always offer the grace of conversion. When I finish, no doubts will remain about where I stand and what I think. Let no one interpret away the clarity of my words.
I will speak to a Church which has failed me, to world leaders who have deceived their people, to the rich whose gold has made them an abomination, to the powerful who have manipulated the structures of power, to the average Catholic who has been swept along by the world, to the little ones who need my encouragement and to you, the reader, who are so anxious to find your way. To the whole world, I will speak my mind.
Comment: Mary’s words have always been to the point. Now, the words will become more pointed.
The world is not yet in total darkness. However, it is on a road that leads away from the heavenly Father. Inevitably, the future holds more and more darkness. Many see the problems but few see the road that lies ahead. In the Middle East there are many fires. These burn brightly but are still separate. Satan’s goal is to have one, unified conflagration, even though the terrorists groups are diverse. When there is one united fire, then the flames will jump to Europe.
The terrorists have their eyes upon Europe, especially those countries with a sizeable Muslim population. For centuries, Muslims have dreamed of controlling the European countries. Now, these populations see that the terrorists destabilize and bring about fear. This hastens the day when they will no longer be denied many rights. They dream of taking control of these countries. What happens within the heart of a person who sees their dream suddenly come much closer? They are ready to make any sacrifice.
Europe looks stable but this is fiction. They cannot defend themselves like Israel.
Comment: Sooner than expected, the Middle East fires will leap over to Europe and find a Muslim population that will see a new opportunity.
I bring forth these gifts for everyone. All are included. My arms embrace the whole world and my heart has gifts for everyone, a secret that I am constantly revealing.
The heavenly Father created a world in which man had gifts that precluded suffering. Suffering was brought into the world by sin which caused the first parents to lose God’s grace and these special gifts. Thus began the sinful and suffering-filled stage of human history.
The heavenly Father held on to his dream of the original creation. Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven and proclaimed that the kingdom was at hand. This is the secret which I proclaim. God has placed all the gifts of the kingdom of heaven, all the gifts that Jesus brought to this earth, in my Immaculate Heart. These gifts will do everything. They will protect, guide, purge sin, and lift to greatness. All of God’s treasures are present in the kingdom proclaimed by Jesus and all of these treasures are in my heart, waiting to be given away. Unfortunately, many of these gifts will not be claimed even by those who love me.
Comment: Jesus spoke about “as it was in the beginning” when man’s internal and external world were in order due to special gifts. These gifts can still be found in Mary’s heart.
Aug 3rd, 2014
I see the world in such anguish. Never before have I so desired to pour out my gifts. I must always repeat the message. The heavenly Father has placed all of his treasures for the world in my Immaculate Heart because he foresaw this moment in human history when the fires of hell would break forth from beneath the earth.
He placed them there because my heart is so easily broken open and his gifts can fall like raindrops upon the fires. When fires are burning out of control, are not rainclouds a joyous sight? Do they not hold out hope that soon the fires will be overcome?
The Church must see my heart in this way, filled with heavenly rain, waiting to quench these demonic forces that are evident everywhere and to everyone. Is there not a demonic source to all the wars, to all the diseases, to all the acts of terrorism, to all the hopelessness?
The Holy Father must consecrate Russia. The rain will fall there first. From Russia, peace will go out to the whole world.
Comment: For almost 100 years, Our Lady has said that for world peace Russia must be consecrated. Events are showing that Mary was right all along.
9. Promising A New Light
Aug 2nd, 2014
I will speak from my heart, bringing forth the deepest feelings. I weep abundantly. I see my children walk away from all that Jesus taught. I see them cast aside their baptismal gift and to think nothing of their loss of faith. I see them enter deeply into the immoral ways of modern culture and be swept up in its mighty current.
Those who have been called to a deep Catholic faith and to the highest of Catholic values are never even taught the basic truths. Their rich heritage has been stole from them. They were never shown the path to goodness. The darkness of the culture has obscured everything.
I must provide another light because the lights of the powerful Catholic culture have become too weak to light the way, and the road has become far too dark.
This is my message. I will provide extra lights which you must freely choose. Seek these lights. Look for my new lights. Do not be content with your current light. Seek for yourselves and your children. Write this on your heart, “Mary has told me that I need more light. She has promised to provide this light. I must search for this new light, like the Wise Men searched for Jesus, the light of the world”.
You will find. I promise that you will find the new light I have prepared for you.
Comment: Our Lady sorrows over the great darkness but promises to provide. We must search.
8. Lazarus, the Beggar At Our Door
Aug 1st, 2014
Let us stop for a moment and remember that getting to heaven is the purpose of earth. At the moment of death, the human person leaves this temporary human existence and enters into an eternal state. Jesus never exalted earth or human life but constantly reminded all that earthly life ends. “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” “If anyone should save his life in this world, he will lose it in the next”. “Thou, fool, what good is it to have stored up all these treasures, when tonight you will die?”
Yet, Jesus was sensitive to earthly needs. He fed the hungry and healed the sick. He promised that if a person seeks first the kingdom of God, the heavenly Father would care for the necessities.
Do you not see Satan’s plan? He wants only sufferings so that people cannot find their way to heaven. Taken up in the trials of earth they lose faith in their heavenly home. So, I speak to every Catholic, to every believer, to every person of good will. You all have a Lazarus, a beggar, at your door, a needy person. Care for them and you will both arrive safely in heaven.
To the rich and the powerful, to those who control great amounts of earthly resources, I have placed all these in your hands so you can help many on their road to heaven.
Many voices of the poor cry out to me and I search for those who can answer their needs. I will come soon and ask for your help. Blessed are you if you hear my voice, open your heart, change your ways and give of yourself by helping the needy.
Comment: Man is made for heaven but his search takes place amid earthly needs. Helping others is the surest road to eternal life.
7. A New World Order
Jul 31st, 2014
To lead the world is a matter of the heart and you leaders of the world have hearts that are too small. So, I offer you the gift of my heart. I have a plan for every person. I know what they need so their life can fulfill all that God intends.
I dream of a new world order, where weapons are put aside, and where nations cooperate. I dream of a new economic system where all share in the goods of society.
I must raise up new world leaders whose hearts are quite different, leaders who dream of blessing others. I need a veritable army, fashioned in a different mold, claiming a different vision, and refusing to set aside their firm beliefs that every person in the world must have the necessities of life.
Where are these people? I will go and look for them. When I find those who are committed to my dream, I will open doors for them. They shall rise quickly in every field of human endeavor. Only those formed in my heart can truly bring about a new world order.
Comment: Changing the world results only from leaders whose hearts are attuned to the heavenly Father.
6. The Less-Traveled Road
Jul 30th, 2014
I will speak gently to world leaders, because if I fully exposed all of your sins, you would cover your ears and shut your eyes. Instead, I will speak about what you are able to do. All I ask is good will.
First, look at your heart. Why have you sought this high position? What led you to public office? Only you can examine your own heart and be honest. Expose your own selfishness, your own pride and ego. I am not asking you to step down. I am only asking you to change.
You have made many decisions in darkness which you would never want to come to the light of publicity. You have two lives – your public life and your private life. One for the people to see and one which only you can see. Right now you are entangled. I do not say hopelessly entangled because I will help you.
I must ask you “Are you willing to walk a different path, one that is less-traveled?” If so, I will do two favors for you. I will free you from your entanglements and I will lift you up to a much higher position. If not, I can only leave you mired in your world that will inevitably destroy you. Such is the nature of worldly power.
Comment: Power corrupts unless God continually purifies the world leader.
5. The New Flame
Jul 29th, 2014
I go now to the depth of my heart to find the most consoling words for my Church. Among your members, I find the little ones, those whose hearts are firmly set upon me. I find your missionaries who have left their native lands to preach the gospel in difficult circumstances. I find mothers and fathers who fulfill their sacred duties and I find ministers of the word who live out their commitment. At every level and in every situation I find these people of good will.
This is my promise. I am ready to take all of them into the most sacred fire that burns in my Immaculate Heart.They will be the first ones to whom I reveal the gift. I am not asking them to do more. I am asking them to receive more, to take this new flame into their hearts. I know their hearts and if they take the new flame it will burn brightly. That is why I invite them first.
However, they must accept the invitation or they will be left behind, not ready for the difficulties that lie ahead.
Comment: Whatever we have received from God, we must be open to greater gifts, this new flame on Mary’s heart.
4. The Age of Mary
Jul 28th, 2014
Return to your first love. When you were a child and held no possessions, when you were small and had only your faith, when you were persecuted, and loved one another, I watched over you. I saw you spread to all the nations. I watched you cling to my Son and proclaim him even when this brought sufferings and death.
I saw your acts of charity. You were revered even among those who did not understand your beliefs. You were truly a light to the nations waiting to be put upon the lampstand.
Now, I have put you on that lampstand. You are known throughout the world, the largest of all the churches but your light has dimmed. It is now mixed with darkness. Many know you but they scorn you and reject you. Even your own sons and daughters, born into your bosom, walk away from you. You watch them leave with great sorrow. You are quite aware of your state. You know the reality, like a parent disappointed in the decisions of their children. I know your failures and how distraught you are.
I have a question for you. Are you ready? Are you willing to take my hand, to walk my road? Are you ready to trust your mother and to do what I tell you? Are you ready to inscribe me on your heart and to decide firmly, “I will walk the road of Mary?”I challenge you at this grave moment in human history, when the world will need the Church more than ever. Do you truly believe that this is the Age of Mary? If you do, I can make you the light of the nations. If not, your own resources will prove too little and too late.
Comment: The Age of Mary holds unbelievable gifts of the Father but the Church has never committed herself fully to that gift.
3. Mother of the Church
Jul 27th, 2014
The Church must learn the wisdom of my heart. So often, the Church seeks wisdom from its learned men and women. It seeks wisdom from all the human sciences. It studies the wisdom that the world uses in its business enterprises. Why does the Church reject the wisdom of my heart? It chooses broken cisterns that cannot bring forth living water.
The Church has a great strength. It has openly proclaimed me as the Mother of the Church. Well, come back to your mother. The mother gathers the family and embraces all the children. The mother keeps the household together, always inviting her children to return.
Do not reject me. Do not set me aside. God’s plan began with me (I was with him in the beginning of his days) and God’s plan will end with me, the Woman Clothed With the Sun.
O Church, I will heal your divisions. I will bring back your children. I will purge you of your sins. I will make of you the new Jerusalem, the light on the mountain.
The heavenly Father has declared these times as the Age of Mary but you have not yet understood or even believed the words of your own prophets and saints.
Comment: The Church certainly needs help and Our Lady wants to be the Church’s mother.
2. A Place With Mary in the Desert
Jul 26th, 2014
I speak first to my Church, born when the heart of Jesus was pierced by a sword and filled with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. I was there at your beginnings and I will be present at the grand culmination when the angels gather all the elect.
What a history you have had, filled with sinners and saints, moments of divine greatness and moments of the most shameful behavior. Yet, you are mine, the child of my womb and I will always clasp you to my breasts and give you life.
Now, I must speak my mind in words only a mother could say, “You must repent and turn back to reclaim your former glory, the glory of serving the world by being its light. Once you were small, persecuted, trodden under foot by the power of the world but I loved you for your fervor and your fidelity.
I say to you what Jesus said to the Church of Ephesus, ‘I hold this against you. You have lost the love that you had at first’” (Rev.2:4). That is where we must begin. Like Israel, I must lead you back into the desert where you can again recover your first love.
“What about my worldly power?” you ask. I say, “What good is your worldly power? Soon, you will see all the power of the world collapse. Will you be caught up in that destruction or will you have escaped with me into the desert of your first love?”
God prepared a place for me in the desert (Rev.12:6). That is where I will take you. Do not delay in the city where you think you are so needed. If you come into the desert with me, I will prepare you. In the moment of the world’s great darkness, you will be its light. This is my message of hope?
Comment: Where else could Our Lady begin? She calls us back to our first fervor.
1. An Even Clearer Word
Jul 25th, 2014
Many who read these locutions are surprised that I would think about and express my thoughts on so many issues. Am I just a heavenly figure? Did I not live on earth? Did I not conceive and give birth? Did I not share in all the sufferings? I am a mother, who takes everything into her heart and brings forth a wisdom. That is what I am doing and people should not be surprised.
I know that so many delight in my words and anxiously await the daily locution. Those who read them all are formed by my thinking and I bless them.
Now, I will embark on an even clearer road. Up to now, I have revealed my heart. Now, I will speak my mind. No one will have to read between the lines or conjecture what I mean. The words will be both pointed and true. They will cut through the darkness and give light. They will chastise but always offer the grace of conversion. When I finish, no doubts will remain about where I stand and what I think. Let no one interpret away the clarity of my words.
I will speak to a Church which has failed me, to world leaders who have deceived their people, to the rich whose gold has made them an abomination, to the powerful who have manipulated the structures of power, to the average Catholic who has been swept along by the world, to the little ones who need my encouragement and to you, the reader, who are so anxious to find your way. To the whole world, I will speak my mind.
Comment: Mary’s words have always been to the point. Now, the words will become more pointed.
Special Locution – The Fire Leaps to Europe
Jul 25th, 2014
The world is not yet in total darkness. However, it is on a road that leads away from the heavenly Father. Inevitably, the future holds more and more darkness. Many see the problems but few see the road that lies ahead. In the Middle East there are many fires. These burn brightly but are still separate. Satan’s goal is to have one, unified conflagration, even though the terrorists groups are diverse. When there is one united fire, then the flames will jump to Europe.
The terrorists have their eyes upon Europe, especially those countries with a sizeable Muslim population. For centuries, Muslims have dreamed of controlling the European countries. Now, these populations see that the terrorists destabilize and bring about fear. This hastens the day when they will no longer be denied many rights. They dream of taking control of these countries. What happens within the heart of a person who sees their dream suddenly come much closer? They are ready to make any sacrifice.
Europe looks stable but this is fiction. They cannot defend themselves like Israel.
Comment: Sooner than expected, the Middle East fires will leap over to Europe and find a Muslim population that will see a new opportunity.
9. Treasures of the Kingdom
Jul 24th, 2014
I bring forth these gifts for everyone. All are included. My arms embrace the whole world and my heart has gifts for everyone, a secret that I am constantly revealing.
The heavenly Father created a world in which man had gifts that precluded suffering. Suffering was brought into the world by sin which caused the first parents to lose God’s grace and these special gifts. Thus began the sinful and suffering-filled stage of human history.
The heavenly Father held on to his dream of the original creation. Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven and proclaimed that the kingdom was at hand. This is the secret which I proclaim. God has placed all the gifts of the kingdom of heaven, all the gifts that Jesus brought to this earth, in my Immaculate Heart. These gifts will do everything. They will protect, guide, purge sin, and lift to greatness. All of God’s treasures are present in the kingdom proclaimed by Jesus and all of these treasures are in my heart, waiting to be given away. Unfortunately, many of these gifts will not be claimed even by those who love me.
Comment: Jesus spoke about “as it was in the beginning” when man’s internal and external world were in order due to special gifts. These gifts can still be found in Mary’s heart.
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